Saturday, January 20, 2024

Hike @ Milleryslvania

We had to pivot a bit with our first scheduled Yoh! hike of 2024 to Big Creek. Last weekend’s bitterly cold temperatures caused us to push it back a week and move it a little closer to town. This morning the group met at Millersylvania State Park for a cold and foggy hike. Teresa led us from the main parking lot by Deep Lake through the campground and along the Perimeter Trail and back. In all we completed 4.43 miles with just 166 feet of elevation gain. The trail was in decent shape except for a few spots of mud. It’s a nice little park and made us wonder why we didn’t go there more often when we lived in Tumwater. 

Bridge photo! I think this was the only time we saw the sun for the entire hike. The fog was relentless. (L to R: Teresa, Miranda, Pam hiding in the back, Tammy, Scott and Michele)

We weren’t quite picture ready!

L to R: Tammy, Scott, Teresa, Miranda, Susan and Michele. Pam was the photographer. 

Stats from my watch.

Hike @ Key Forest

This morning Scott, Teresa and I along with 5 unruly dogs hiked at Key Central Forest.  It was cold but blessedly dry.  The trail had a lot ...